15 март 2021 г.

Gina Gleason като битие

"It's pretty clear that Gina has some very, very notable and extreme strengths as a musician. Her technque is incredible good. She plays with an effortlessness that I don't have. And she is fast, and she is very clever harmonically. Also the staff that would seem like obvious things to use. But I thought, maybe subconsciously, maybe more directly at times: well, she is good at all that stuff, maybe I'm good at all that stuff. Maybe between the two of us we can find something we are needed of and are particularly comfortable, and are particularly good at; and just maybe that something are we kin about." John Baizley относно Gina Gleason; Baroness, "Making 'Gold & Grey'", "Nothing Typical", началните думи, видео: link