26 декември 2020 г.

Реклама в рекламата

Що Lzzy казва с "Uncomfortable"?

"... to be a slave building the pyramids, a medieval serf laboring on Chartres cathedral, or a peon sweeping Beethoven's floor than to be a comfortable, 'free' person in the culturally decadent modern West."

"For the strong, the best life is thought to be one of creative struggle and suffering, one in which they expend themselves, maybe even sacrifice themselves, in the pursuit of something great."

"When the exceptional human being treats the mediocre human being more tenderly than himself and his peers, this is not mere politeness of the heart - it is simply his duty", от Ницше, "Антихрист".

Andrew Huddleston, "Consecration to Culture: Nietzsche on Slavery and Human Dignity", Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 52, Number 1, January' 2014, pp. 135-160 (Article: link)

От хетерономия къмто автономия предвид силата на общностната харизма - божественото. 

Но кой, освен тъкмо самата тя, е днешният, (пост-) ницшеанският ар-исто-кра-т, божественото!