Забележка: възрастовата разлика между Trump и Biden е 3 г.
"Is Biden going to save the world... I don't know, but it is the next logical step toward кicking Trump out of our feeds and our lives." Lzzy Hale, 29 окт.' 2020, Twitter (link).
Показателни са отрицателните отговори:
"Why must you insist upon publishing your narrow beliefs upon those that love your talent and music?" Link.
"I will no longer listen to Halestorm or spend another dime on anything that may profit you, period. If we wanted to know your political views, we would ask you." Link.
"Trump is winning in a landslide against corrupt Joe! Hate your politics, but still like your music." Link.
"Do you quit your job if you are making great money and have a strong financial future? That's what it is with Trump: you may not have to like his attitude, but he is making a better future for all. Biden will take that away." Link.
"I will miss your music and concerts." Link.
"She should have whatever political views as she wants, but wiser to keep them private in her chosen profession. Alienating half your fanbase is never good." Link.
Те я искат просто за "иху-аху" ("shut up and sing").
Alice Cooper за The Guardian, изд. 29 дек.' 2018 (link): "I don't like to mix politics and Rock 'n' Roll. I don't look at Bono, Sting and Bruce Springsteen as
political. I look at them as being humanitarian. I'll contribute to
anything humanitarian. Helping people who can't help themselves. But
when musicians are telling people who to vote for, I think that's an
abuse of power. You're telling your fans not to think for themselves,
just to think like you. Rock 'n' Roll is about freedom - and that's not
Alice Cooper с позицията на аристократ.
Нечий отговор от 29 окт.' 2020, Twitter (link): "No one will say I voted for X candidate because Lzzy said so. So she is allowed her opinion and if people can't form their own opinions based on a candidates' views, then they are sheep. More power to you, Lzzy! Keep speaking out on things that affect you!"
Тя произхожда от аргументация, компенсирайки с харизмата си негативизма.
Обобщението: "Ignore any busybody who tries to tell you to mind your business, and continue to be true to your heart with what is right; love you, Lzzy!" Link.
Харизматизацията преди заетостта!
И все пак Тръмп ще спечели, и то със значителна преднина - и не поради друго, ала понеже алтернативата му днес е самата Лизи нежели човек на Lzzy. Тя го знае и го казва. Доволните от Тръмп стари поклонници, дето силно любят и мразят, ще размени за недоволни от Тръмп нови сред малко или много почитателите си. Проста сметка: и прекомерно изтънчена за тънките сметки на останалите. Та трябва, в своето несигурно време, да стъпиш на сигурно. Тъй е постъпвал сред "след нас потоп" Чезаре Борджия. Пък след мандата - я камилата, я камиларят. Ето защо я харесвам - нея и нейното време (политическа естетика).