10 октомври 2023 г.

Една покъртителна биография

"Dirac corrected one of Manci's historical facts and began to speak about his family origins and his childhood in Bristol, talking fluently in his quiet, clear voice. Like a well-rehearsed actor, he spoke confidently, in carefully articulated sentences, without pausing or correcting himself.


... his hunched shoulders, his high forehead, his straight and upward-pointing nose, 
his white smudge of a moustache. The air conditioning and television were switched off, 
so the room was silent except for the occasional rumblings of traffic, the barking of neighbourhood dogs, the rattling of the lid on the simmering casserole in the kitchen. 
After spelling out his ancestry with the precision of a genealogist... His language remained simple and direct, but, as he began to talk about his childhood, his voice tightened.


'I never knew love or affection when I was a child'... ... 'we never had any visitors'. 
... his father would refuse him permission to leave the table if he had made a linguistic error. Dirac would then have no option but to sit still and vomit."

Graham Farmelo, "The Strangest Man"