8 юни 2021 г.

"Sitting in My Living Room"

"Everything I feel inside is connected to my outside. That's why what you see is what you get with me. My physical state is a direct reflection of how I feel inside. I wear my emotions on the outside." 

"Don't Sweat It" (link)

"Honesty is both the heartbeat and the heartbreaker. We all want to fantasize and believe we are someone else, someone more desirable, always right, and undisputedly perfect. But equally by being ourselves we are everything we need to be. We as humans do not exist as pieces to a monochrome wardrobe of society, solely for the purpose of matching each other. We are meant to shine brightly in our own way completely different than the one that stands to our right or left. Each his or her own entity. This is also the first step in a relationship with someone."  

"Brutally Yours" (link)

"I'm doing a technological detox. It's time to experience my life beyond the tiny screen. I'm going to write songs on paper. And I'm going to really watch the sunset, without snapping a picture."  

"Auld Lang Syne, My Dears!" (link)

"I'd like to talk about the masks we wear the other 364 days out of the year. I just took a couple days to myself: no crew, no band, no lover, just me. I can't remember the last time I flew somewhere on a trip without my posse... It was exhilarating. Looking around at all the strangers, I thought of the veil we wear for other people, and the judgment we place on others based on whether or not we can identify with or understand the 'category' they fall into. The pretty chick with way too much makeup for the plane ride, or the dude next to me overly trying to convince he's a millionaire... And I'm not saying I go around confessing every dark secret to everyone. Joe told me something the other day that stuck with me: 'if you are going to do anything, make sure you do it for you'. Be your own label!"  

"Mask" (link)

8 юни' 2021. Една антропология
Lzzy Hale преди 5 години, 
The Diary (lzzyhaleofficial.tumblr.com