18 юни 2021 г.



Lzzy Hale, 18 юни' 2021, Instagram (link)
Настояща сн. от професионален фотограф (Jimmy Fontaine)

Ход след пандемията

Лизи, от стеснителност, е придружила със свое есе, своя непоклатима увереност снимката... Тази амбивалентност поражда красотата (подчертаванията и почернянето са мои): 

"I've been doing a lot of round table discussions about 'self-love and what that means'. Also, I've been embracing the idea of 'body neutrality' vs. 'body positivity'... First, you don't need to balance your life and looks on the opinions of others. All that really matters is what you think of yourself. And Second, you don't have to like your looks or certain parts of your body; just don't make them the sole direction of your happiness. Do I like every part of me? No. Do I look in the mirror and see things I don't like? Of course. But my North star comes from within. There are more important things in my life that I do, than how I dress or look. That's why it's so fun to keep evolving how I see myself physically. Hence all the hair styles, or outfits over the years. Because my focus is on how I create, the songs I write, my fucking voice. That's my calling card. It's not how you look, it's what you do. Wield your power, your strength in whatever medium it has been given to you by the Universe. We are all unique, with unique gifts, and your 'flaws' in the eyes of the beauty-norm are what lift you above the rest. Practice learning to accept and exalt the things about yourself that make you who you are. Let's stop comparing ourselves to others. Be inspired by others who are doing this - yes. But confidence only comes when you picture yourself as the last human on earth, and how you would live your life. You are the Only one you have ever been waiting for as your own personal hero. Be it, live it. We only get one ride on this rollercoaster. Be your truest, most original, unapologetic self. I am sending my hottest light and love in your direction. I am in your corner and love you all madly. We are all just bags of meat and bones: that part of us is the least important. It's who we are, how we love, what we do that matters."

Цитатен трактат

I am sending my hottest light and love in your direction: 
I am in your corner and love you all madly
    1. Certain parts of your body: just don't make them the sole direction of your happiness
    2. North star comes from within
    3. Keep evolving how you see yourself physically
    4. Wield your power, your strength in whatever medium it has been given to you
    5. Your 'flaws' in the eyes of the beauty-norm are what lift you above the rest
    6. Confidence only comes when you picture yourself as the last human on earth
    7. You are the Only one you have ever been waiting for as your own personal hero
    8. Be your truest, most original, unapologetic self
    9. We are all just bags of meat and bones
  10. It's who we are, how we love, what we do that matters  

Трудът щял в България да повиши "стандарта"; ами в смисъл че... бачкане му е майката!(?) Нека си струва, freaks!

Дяволите да ни вземат! Ако някой може да ми направи изречение, е тя - с ненаправеността на своите изречения.

И някой, в коментар под снимката и есето, е хванал прошестващата рефлексия, 
цитирал е Рилке, "Letters to a Young Poet" (почернянето е мое):

"Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses, who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is, in its deepest being, something helpless that wants help from us. So you must not be afraid if a sadness rises up before you, larger than any you have ever seen. Or if a restiveness, like light- and cloud-shadows, passes over your hands and all you do. You must think that something is happening with you, that life has not forgotten you; that it holds you in its hands. It will not let you fall (дяволите да ни вземат! - б. м.)."

"This is beautiful", е отговорила тя.

"Well said! I had to get rid of a narcissist to get me back!", възкликнал е към нея друг.
"Congrats! That's no small task", гарантирала се е тя иронично.
"I just bought my first ever Halestorm album", дошъл си ни е друг на думата 
(шегувам се).
"I'm fifty six days free from self harm", споделил е друг... 

Какво говори фактът, че почти на всеки от хилядите от целия свят тук коментари Лизи, макар и ако само със сърчице, е отвърнала (при условие, че е всеизвестно, дето за личния си маркетинг не ползва агентура)? Тя провежда проучване за новия маркетингов облик! Сменя облика всеки албумен цикъл, т. е. през 3 г.; а и вече в съответствие със зрялата си възраст (37).

"Накрая", с безпощадната си критичност, се е предварително "изказал" нейният китарист, фотограф и партньор Joe Hottinger: "Backstage in Phoenix' 2019", 17 юни' 2021, Instagram (link). "Вижте, вижте старото, Phoenix is rising now, разцъфва":

Своеобразен ислям.