16 юни 2021 г.

Виртуалният секс и култура

Сп. Rolling Stone, 7 юни' 2021 (link)

Именитият рок-басист David Ellefson (р. 1964) е съосновател и член на рок-групата Megadeth (1983), чийто безпрекословен шеф се явява рок-иконата Dave Mustaine.

Елефсън мастурбирал по Мрежата взаимно с понастоящем (?) 19-годишна холандка. Която заснела "акта", "похвалила" се на приятелки, а те... разпространили видеото. Разразил се скандал. Обвинения, че басистът се опитвал да съблазни непълнолетна...

Че 10 дни по-късно Мъстейн, с привичния си рязък маниер, изгонил от групата своя съратник: "While we do not know every detail of what occurred, with an already strained relationship, what has already been revealed now is enough to make working together impossible moving forward."

"The bassist told police that he first met the woman when he was signing autographs at the merchandise table of a 2019 gig in Holland. 'They struck up a friendship and continued chatting through social media', the report says. 'The second time they met in person was in the Netherlands at a hotel lobby to have coffee and a soda. He believes this was February' 2020. He stated there was no physical contact and they just had a conversation. He stated there has never been any sexual physical contact between the two.' After his second rendezvous with the woman, he continued chatting with her over social media, and their interactions turned sexual in 'July or August' when they each started to masturbate in front of each other using Facebook Messenger. 'He stated they had about four to five masturbating encounters', the report said. 'The last online sexual encounter was around February' 2021. Ellefson's partner admitted to Mr. Ellefson that she had recorded two to three videos of him masturbating without his consent or knowledge.'"

Heavy Metal! 

Женен е от 93-та; и има две деца. Вкл. син, който учи в колеж (или вече го е завършил).

"While certainly embarrassing, I want to address it as openly and honestly as possible. As much as it's not something I'm proud of, these were private, adult interactions that were taken out of context and manipulated to inflict maximum damage to my reputation, my career, and family."

"It was all consensual, I'm not a victim and I have not been groomed in the slightest as I was the one to initiate it. I was just naive enough to record him and share it with a friend without his permission."

Пък аз - що съм ни с дете, ни с коте, ни с работа - не смея да се покажа.