2 ноември 2020 г.


Единствената българска по изпълнение и създаване песен, която ме довежда до сълзи. 2009-та, декември, Viperfish, студийното аудио: link

Закъсняла... Бисерчето, оваляно сякаш в читалищния прахоляк на ония дни, края на 80-те/ началото на 90-те. Когато в гордост и свян трябваше да се сплавят приказното с градирането на емоция.

"I seek a desert rose
Out on the ocean shores,
I sail across the seas,
I climb the mountain cliffs.

I'll search down every town,
I'll burn down every house,
Someday I'll find a cure,
Of that I'm proudly sure.

I'll meet the President
Of the United States,
I'll ask the Lord himself,
Somehow I'll scratch my stain.

You're like a stain I just can't clean,
Another verdict meets the king,
You always try to disagree,
But it's not enough to make me see.

I'll swim across the world,
From England to Peru,
I'll ride a ship to Mars,
I'll stop by all the stars.

I'll travel East and West,
Over the Cuckoo's nest,
Someday I'll let you go,
But I'll never sell my soul.

("sell my soul" би следвало да бе произнесено в сричкови засечки) 

I'll talk to Jesus Christ
Up on my mobile phone,
I'll see you all in court,
My love, my dearest stain.

[You're like a...]

I need to fix this broken frame,
I need to overcome my shame,
You'll never share my soul with me,
But it's not enough to make me see.

But how can we breathe
Behind these bars,
Life passes by
Before we're through."