8 ноември 2020 г.

Речта на победата

"In the immortal words of Twisted Sister 'we're not gonna take it anymore' - what a beautiful display of humanity! Hope over fear, love over hate, the happy tears, the honking of horns out in the street. We the people showed up, and fought for our rights. Today we begin again with new eyes and new hearts. We have been to the bottom of the snake pit. We watched the ugliness of the world reveal itself. Now we have a chance for peace, a chance for progress, a chance to make real change. So the fight is not over. It's going to take all of us to make this country and this world into what it should've always been. For too long we've been plagued by evil over petty differences and pretty lies. No more. The past is there as a lesson. We will learn from our history, fight for now and keep our eyes forward toward the future. We will continue to battle on the side of love, hope, equality and unity using the universal language of music and art, and begin the healing process. Let's make this world more like the Rock show. The Rock show doesn't care what gender you are, what skin color you have, your sexual orientation, what you do for a living, where you live, how you dress, your handicap, your failures, or your achievements. We are all the same at the Rock show. United as one! We're in this together like lipstick and leather. I love you all. Dio bless America!" Lzzy Hale, 7 ноември' 2020, Instagram (link). Прикрепила е следната илюстрация: