25 септември 2020 г.


"I'm not voting for Blue over Red. I'm not voting for 'my team over your team'. This is not a Republican vs. Democrat election. This is a Good vs. Evil election. I'm not voting 'for', I'm voting 'against'. I'm voting against hatred. I'm voting against name calling. I'm voting against fear mongering. I'm voting against racism. I'm voting against inequality. I'm voting against sexism. I'm voting against injustice. I'm voting against idiocracy. I'm voting against dissonance. I'm voting against childish leadership. I cannot predict the future, I cannot change the past, but I know what we can change right now. I'm voting against the evil happening 'now'. I'm voting against another four years of 'this'. Now is not the time to make our decision over petty differences or one issue stances. Now is the time to abolish the wrong that we know exists right now. Then we will take the next step toward healing and change. Are you registered to vote? Make sure that you are and then make sure at least three of your friends and family are as well. Now more than ever we must stand united. All hands on deck! Vote against! Everything you need to vote - vote." Lzzy Hale, 25 септ.' 2020, Instagram (link).

Разгоряла се е успоредно и дискусия "за" и "против" Lzzy.

"To everyone worried about me or me losing followers: don't. My heart, soul, and music will be fine. I can live without the 'likes', and the approval of those who think that hate and inequality should rule the world. Can you? My life is mine. I am not ruled by anyone but me." Lzzy Hale, 25 септ.' 2020, Twitter (link).


Сн. Joe Hottinger