23 септември 2020 г.

Коментар към една снимка


"We were onstage in Madison, Wisconsin, when we found out that we were nominated for a Grammy. It was in the middle of our set, and I was settling down at the piano for our ballad 'Break in'. I had just started conversing with the crowd, when I saw Joe (our guitarist) out of the corner of my eye running over to me from the other end of the stage. Joe whispered in my ear: 'we just got nominated for a Grammy', to which I replied with a series of nearly unintelligible phrases. The look of shock on my face must have said it all, because the front row started screaming 'what? what!'. I turned to the audience and announced: 'We just got nominated for a Grammy!' The crowd went apes. None of us expected to get nominated; it was a dream, and something you say in passing, a silent wish." Lzzy Hale (Grammys, 2 дек.' 2014, link). Моментът, в своята продължителност, е увековечен от редови зрител (фотографа Ariel Kassulke) ... След което и печелят, побеждавайки Iron Maiden и Megadeth (2013). A 6 г. по-късно - втора номинация; и губят от, посмъртно, Chris Cornell. Ето церемонията, половин час Лизи бе и домакин (10 февр.' 2019, видео: 1:38:55 - 2:08:00, link).