19 септември 2020 г.


Lzzy Hale, 18 (17-ти вечерта, Нашвил) септ.' 2020, Twitter
(в процес по записване новия албум) 

"Hey everyone! 14 hour day of recording; but I'm present; and I will not stray far from you; I know you are here, and I'm always here" (link).

"No matter what you are battling tonight, you got this! I know you do, because I've seen you, I've heard you, and I feel you with every stroke I take on guitar, and every note I sing out my mouth; you are worth every second, and if you think no one else gets you - I do" (link).

"I've been writing so much, I've been taking tremendous leaps and risks with my writing/ creating; it's all thanks to you for enabling me to be unapologetically me; I can't wait for you to hear these songs, and know that you are a part of such a positive movement in this crazy world" (link).


Lzzy & Joe

Ето междувременно класацията на Maniacs TV (15 септ.' 2020) за Top 10 песни на Лизи (едната е кавър, по-добър от оригинала):