Страхотно есе на Lzzy, прочетете го, както съм го подбрал... Постановка, структура, логика, телеология, изясняване (като у криминалист), компетенция, периодика, овладяна емоция... все едно да полееш с кислородна вода рана... и с едно око към читателите:
"With no doubt in my mind that I could slay"
"Some of you may have noticed that over the past year (2015 - б. м.) I've been
struggling with vocal issues. I fatigue a lot easier, I've been reaching
for high notes that used to be no problem for me to hit, and for the
first time ever (as San Francisco, Reno, Spokane and Vancouver know) I
had to cancel the end of our last North American tour, because I couldn't
even speak... To make matters more confusing, I also gained this weird 'squeak' register that had become nearly impossible to control or avoid.
This was extremely scary for me, because since the beginning of
Halestorm, I've never had vocal problems. I have always been able to
sing with great ease and flexibility, and I have always been very proud
of taking good care of my voice. I stay well hydrated, eat well, do warm
ups and cool downs, etc. I took lessons from Steve Whiteman of Kix when I
was a teen, and had remained true and unwavering to everything I was
taught since then! So, it was like these problems came out of nowhere,
and for no reason!
I went to more than a few vocal doctors who
all put a camera down my throat to check me out. The diagnosis was
always the same: I'm healthy, there's nothing wrong. I have no nodes,
polyps, scar tissue, hemorrhaging, bruising; I have nothing wrong with
me! So, why am I having problems? This sent me into a rabbit hole of
depression. I cried over letting people down, I was scared that I was
broken, and I was ashamed and embarrassed of my shortcomings. I'm a
fucking professional for Christ's sake! I just put out a new record, I'm
at the top of my game... and my voice is not working! Fuck! My
confidence that I've always prided myself on was shot. I used to walk
into situations, like guesting with a friend on stage, or studio time,
with no doubt in my mind that I could slay. But I was now hesitant and
unsure of my abilities. I vented endlessly to my band mates, who know me
better than anyone. This was the first time they had ever seen me like
this. I felt really lost, and alone; like I had forgotten how to be me... (Абзацът се оттича, както вода през мивка - б. м.)
I'd rather suck on stage than fake it! So, as a last resort, I decided
to start taking vocal lessons again. I thought that maybe if I refresh
on some of the basics it'd be kind of like a hard reset for my voice.
Enter Ron Anderson...
Into my first week of lessons, Ron asks me how old I am. I tell him I'm
31. He replies, 'oh, well, that explains a lot'. And went on to tell me
something that no vocal coach or doctor ever mentioned before. He said
that I'm going through my second vocal 'thickening', it's called. Which
is basically like a second 'puberty'. I'm experiencing changes in my
vocal composition. This is why all the doctors said there was nothing
wrong with me: because there isn't anything wrong with me! I'm not
broken, I'm just going through a natural change. Finally, a diagnosis!... (Обърнете внимание тук къмто крилатата звучност, сегашно просто време в началото и сег. продължително в средата, а и преди обобщението; както и сглобката "natural change - diagnosis" - б. м.)
A vocalist depends on good vocal balance, flexibility and larynx memory
to do what we do. Balance is achieved by keeping your vocal folds and
surrounding muscles neutral, it should feel like you are doing no hard
work to resonate. Flexibility is the agility and freedom of your voice
while singing. Larynx memory is basically like singing by 'feel' instead
of just making sound and aiming for a note. It's knowing, through
practice, all the notes in your range, and how they feel on the inside.
So you can literally sing anything you can think of on key, even
without a musical reference... Your vocal cords are just two delicate bands inside your throat that run
on air pressure. It takes a balance of air pressure, and those vocal
folds meeting and communicating with each other for everything to work.
When that balance is disrupted, it's like a domino effect: everything
starts breaking down.
When my voice started to change, my larynx memory shifted due to the
thickening of my vocal folds. My balance was thrown off; and to
compensate for the lack of ease and flexibility, I was pushing more air
than needed, in order to get sound, and tiring myself out quicker. And
singing on a tired voice leads to swelling, and singing on a swollen
voice (because there's still a gazillion days of tour left) leads to
total hoarseness… you get the picture. Ron also told me that the effect
this change is having on me is more noticeable because I actually use my
entire range... Ron and I found out that it is a whole other resonance in the top of my
head voice resonance: that has expanded my range an octave!...
This is not going to be fixed overnight; I'm breaking some old habits
and developing new ones. I am in the middle of a metamorphosis, but I am
dedicated and I'm going to do whatever it takes, because, honestly, this
is not a choice. I want to sing forever... I've also been taking my lifestyle changes a
bit further to better my vocal health. I've revamped my diet and my
rules of the road, and I'm also trying not to get so stressed and 'inside my own head' about everything. My manager, Bill McGathy, whom I
saw in London last week, told me I seem happier than he's seen me in
while. Good to know it's showing! (Връз опънатото над пропаст въже на психологизма - б. м.)
Change is really terrifying and also very exciting. It's hard to
let go of who you were and embrace who you are, but I guess that's part
of growing up. It's about breaking the habits and instead of continually
mourning the loss of the old you... have a funeral for your past and move
on*. And today, I think I'm finally ready for Lzzy 2.0."
Lzzy Hale, The Diary' 2015 (link)
----------* Подчертаването е мое. Поантата... Блестяща сентенция.
Пък Manowar, "Kill with Power"?
Да, това също е велика харизма, но чисто преображателна.
И това също е велик глас, но чисто дикторски.
Та това също е велика дикция, но чисто представителна.
Че това също е велика ирония, но чисто подигравателна.
Видео: link
"Hear what's written on the wind:
We come to kill and kill again,
Our arrows fall like hail,
Trample on the dead,
Ride through the gate of clouds,
Stand on the open step.
Run berserk, spreadng fear and pain!
Black shield and weapons, black our chain,
None can harm us, not their fire,
Iron or steel,
For we have the will to power,
With power we will kill.
To the war god Odin you will pray
And the curse of weapons shall remain,
On the blood of all our fathers,
On their weapons we now swear
To avenge, not lament,
Give the false ones death!
Kill with power!
Die, die!"