10 май 2021 г.

"The Struggle Within"*

"It was before I knew what the word for 'anxiety' was. I'd excuse myself and go figure it out, not knowing what was going on, but knowing that I was having an episode. I remember one time I was sent home because I was really upset, and I couldn't explain why I was having these feelings. My parents were just like, 'you're stressed about a test coming up or something'. My dad cleared out a spot for me in his garage so I could make noise there before it actually sounded like music. He'd occasionally come over and say, 'you're a happy child writing about dark things'. I remember thinking about that. It's this open diary. The fact that I can call it a career is a perk. I'm not a doctor, not a therapist, I'm not going to necessarily change your situation, but I can help you feel less alone in that. We're all trying to be a voice for the voiceless." 

Lzzy Hale, устно за Metal Hammer (изд. 23 July' 2020, link, link)

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* Заглавието е на Merlin Alderslade, автора на статията