22 май 2021 г.

И Виктория се събуди

22 май' 2021. Договорила е дата за концерт. Чуйте на английски един руски акцент 
и вижте какво на пианото Вика ще ви изсвири*:


* Тя професионално за класическа или джазова пианистка е твърде немарлива, интроверт е; но пък в замяна е отличен пост-късно-романтически транскрибчик на рок-музика, и особено на по-импресионистичната, както и на по-експресионистичната, тя с това се занимава. Нейната сила е пространственото акордово раздвижване относно рок-парчето и умението да скрива вътре мелодията. Не и ли се отдаде, е провал. Често, работейки по заявка, се проваля, и най-вече с по-конвенционалните рок-продукти. Но изригне ли, е ненадмината в своето амплоа (ниша). Т. е. с нещо, което ней е по сърце. Магнетична е с това... Та момичето вече е 43-годишно, навлиза бавно в кариерата си и не разполага със свое акустично пиано. Пък тъкмо роялът (по концертите) е нейната стихия, представя се с него два пъти по-добре, отколкото с електрически еквивалент. 

До 2006-7-ма украинката е преследвала начало на класическа кариера:

"Vika graduated with honours from Kiev Lysenko Specialized Music High School (1996), piano class of Prof. Iryna Lipatova and National P. Tchaikovsky Music Academy of the Ukraine (2000), piano class of Prof. Igor Ryabov.

She studied in the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Weimar, postgraduate course with Prof. Peter Waas and simultaneously in the years 2001-2003, studied in the International Piano Academy 'Incontri col Maestro' in Imola with Prof. Lazar Berman.

In the years 2003-2006 Viktoriya Yermolyeva studied in the Codarts Academy of Music and Modern Dance at Rotterdam Conservatory, the Netherlands and graduated with honours from postgraduate course with Prof. Aquiles Delle-Vigne.

She participated in many prestigous master classes and worked under Prof. Vladimir Krainev, Norma Fisher, Viktor Merzhanov, Diane Andersen, Karl-Heinz Kammerling.

Vika is an award-winning pianist with long-term experience of public appearances as Concert Performer Solo and with Symphonic Orchestras, Accompanist and Artist of Chamber Ensemble and Certificated Piano Teacher.

She took part in Musical Festivals in Kiev (Ukraine), in Sorrento, Spoleto, Novara, Vietri sul Mare (Italy), in Amsterdam (Grachtenfestival 2005), in Leipzig (EuroArts 2006).

As a soloist she has been appearing with Dnipropetrovsk Symphonic Orchestra with the conductor Blinov, Mykolaiv Symphonic Orchestra with the conductor Oleksandr Romanko, Chernigiv Symphonic Orchestra with the conductor Mykola Sukach, Kaunas Chamber Orchestra with the conductor Pavel Berman, Orchestra Sinfonica di Sanremo with the conductor Fabiano Monica, Jena Philharmonic Symphonic Orchestra with the conductor Kohei Sodeoka.

She won prizes in many piano competitions, among others:
    - 1st Prize at 'Filippo Trevisan' International for Piano Interpretation;
    - Winner of The Grachtenfestival 2005 Amsterdam;
    - 1st Prize at 35th International Competition 'Vincenzo Bellini';
    - 1st Prize at 20th International Piano Competition 'Citta di Marsala';
    - 1st Prize at International Piano Competition 'Citta Di Trani';
    - 1st Prize at 4th Sigismund Thalberg International Piano Prize;
    - Grand Prix at 9th Pierre Lantier International Music Competition

       in duet with V. Dmitriev, flute (Fr.).

Vika has been given recitals in concert halls of Kiev (National Philharmonic Society of Ukraine), Zwickau (Schumann's Museum Hall), in Weimar's German National Theater, Castle Theatre Ballenstedt, De Doelen Rotterdam, and many others.

In recognition of her achievements, she obtained in 2001 Grant offered by Ruth Westen Pavese, Grant offered by Giovanni Doria, Grant offered by Inter-Cities Performing Arts Foundation. In 2002 she obtained Scholarship granted by Franz Liszt Music Institute in Weimar, and in 2003 - Scholarship granted by the German Academic Exchange Service, and Grant offered by Francesco Paolucci delle Roncole."

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