27 май 2021 г.

Now that you're gone

Най-великият пънк на всички времена: 
"I can stay up all night, I can do what I want,
I can party with strangers, I can play my music loud,
I can kiss a girl and wear my boots to bed,
And drink every fucking thing that I can fit in my head:
And these are a few of the things I can do,
Now that you're gone, now that you're gone!

I don't have to listen to your complaint,
I don't have an awful buzzing going on in my brain,
I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not,
'Cause I'm a nasty little freak and I like it a lot:
And the best thing of all, I feel 7 feet tall,
Now that you're gone, now that you're gone!

Oh, yeah! My life is so much better without you.
Oh, yeah! I don't care if I ever see you again.

- Ahem, repeat after me:
'I pledge allegiance 
To the United State
Of Lzzy Fuckin' Hale,
And what Lzzy wants Lzzy gets,
Forever and ever, amen!'

You can't take my money, you can't give me any hell,
You can't make me feel guilty for just being myself,
You can't steal my phone to check all of my texts,
Or roll your fucking eyes at me when I talk about sex:
All that's left to say is the mice are gonna play,

Now that you're gone, now that you're gone!

Oh, yeah! My life is so much better without you.
You can suck me! I don't care if I ever see you again."

Lzzy Hale

Бонус към "Vicious" (2018)

Написана е възпитателно (и въвеждаща изкусно към първите 4 стиха на третия куплет) ...  възпитателно за девойчетата... но, разбира се, и за мен

Плюс характерната у Joe Hottinger ритмика на солиране

И плюс виртуозно продуцираните от Разкулинец вокали

Аудио: link