5 декември 2021 г.


Lzzy Hale, 5 дек.' 2021, Twitter

"I love scars; scars are like life tattoos" (link)

"What a lot of people don't realize is that I'm just like them; just with a weirder job" (link)

"We learn our lessons, then defy them; not to heal, but to hurt; but in my dreams I believe we are not these terrible things, we are beautiful each in our own way, and we overcome so much" (link)

"Half of my life is calling in for interviews; I've had to deal with all the anxiety, but family and friends are a different story; it's actually easier for me to talk to journalists than anyone else" (link)

"One of these days I'm gonna start a show where I interview you, the fanatics; not the casual fan, but the diehards, and ask you all the whys" (link)

"Unlike my brother, drummer, I've had to work at it to get comfy in front of people, I call myself a reformed introvert" (link)
"He (братът на Лизи - б. м.) is half tornado, half wise old owl; some days he'll just drop some knowledge on me, and I'm like: life changed!" (link)
"It all goes down tonight, St. Louis! one of my favorite cities; who's joining us?" (link

- Lzzy, when I saw you in Tampa, you really let your personality shine on stage; you always had good stage presence, but I could tell something in you definitely changed for the better
Lzzy: "I'm evolving as a performer; oddly it's become less of a performance and more just me being my whole self" (link)

Това - ясно. Ала то си има "основание":

Lzzy: "I produced this one myself. It was one of the few songs I've written that revealed itself in 10 mins. Certain members of our team thought it was too vulnerable, and not a radio single, so it never made it on the official album ('Vicious' - б. м.); but it's still one of my favorites" (link)

Lzzy: "It's my song about my Impostor syndrome; there are moments in my life where I feel I don't deserve this, the attention, the Rockstar thing, nothing; I'm just a nobody, but I'm hiding in plain sight, and for some crazy reason I'm a lot of peoples' hero; this is a personal song" (link)

Става въпрос за песента "Nobody", audio: link

Рок-шедьовър в стил "Deep Purple, краят на 80-те"!

"Nobody knows I'm a nobody, and I'm your hero and I"

- You are beyond the word 'hero' to people, hero is something untouchable; you become a friend, a sister, mother - etc. - to those who need it, you are more than a superficial word (Tara Lakatos, link)