7 декември 2021 г.

Властта с човешко лице

    - Lzzy, for the livestream on the 23rd: can we purchase the VIP party and the livestream separately? Or does it have to be the ticket-shirt-stream package?
    - I have no idea, dude. This is with a different company; we just companied with them... It seems pretty straightforward. Their team is stellar; and if you ask, they will not lead astray

    Lzzy Hale, 4 дек.' 2021, Twitter (link)

Завихряме се помежду си, формирайки разпределителна машина. И колкото по-развихрени сме, толкова по- ... външна, по-об-служваща би се оказала машината. А в миговете на отдих ще си при-помняме философското... "to the bottom of the bottle". Lzzy Hale... Това е тайната на този пре-възходен човек, да, този публичен Wemmick.

Допълнението към статията ми "Дяволите да ни вземат", pdf: link

P. S. Lzzy Hale

What Sober Couldn't Say

Headed for a blackout,
Hurting like hell,
Finding my way 
To the bottom of the bottle

Packing up my suitcase,
Leaving no trace,
One step closer 
With every swallow

A deafening silence;
Like you like me,
Where you want me:
Saying nothing.

Not this time; I'm gonna say
What sober couldn't say:
Couldn't break thru
Under the influence of you.

Truth serum

Just enough to 
Make me bulletproof.

I'm so over this 
Love gone violent,
I'm drunk and brave enough to say
What sober couldn't say.

Criminal in my mind...
I've been doing time
Believing in the lie 
That you still loved me.

Waking up for
The slamming of the door:
Always wanting more, 
But never giving.

Sick of crying,
Tired of trying,
Always buying
Into every kiss

Not this time...
This is my intervention
Getting your attention:

I'm over this, so over this.
Pride without Prejudice
Текст, що предвид своя втори план 
не се нуждае нито от клип, нито от присъствие
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