9 април 2024 г.

Подочуто като за Сърничка

    - Cheetahs have always been my favorite animals.
    - Me too.
    - Same here! I identify with their speed and reflexes. As I'm not that strong, but can run fast, and am a jack of all trades in sports.
    -  Me as well. I have always loved the beauty and grace. I love the face markings.
    - All cats are just so magnificent. Sadly, some of them are going to extinct in the future, and it's completely heartbreaking that humans are one of the top reasons for their extinction.
    - Be it a tiger or a lion, they are all dangerous animals.
    - They too get old, sick, or are weakened by time. This would make the hunts less likely to be successful, and therefore the next hunt is always more difficult, or make the hunters unable to hunt for food at all.
    - And the cycle of life will start once again.
    - Humanity must decrease, and nature increase.

"Cheetahs: Masters of Speed and Stealth". Сладкодумен видеоразказ с гласа на Hugh Parker и довеждаща настроенията музика: