19 април 2024 г.

Говорната интонация

Моята приятелка я владее... 

Виртуозен пример в това отношение се явява Conrad Lant,
слушайте и четете как пеенето в драматизма на поезията 
се замества епически с говорната интонация.

Аудио: LINK


Hooded figures, clouded skies,
Fires burn within their eyes,
Pentagram with Baphomet,
Midnight strikes.

Goat of Mendes lifts his head,
Summons up the living dead,
Virgin flesh lies tied and bound,
Hail Satanas!

Scream for mercy, cry, and repent,
Satan claims your soul!
Sacrifice, sacrifice! 
Oh, so nice! Sacrifice!

Candles glow on altar's bar,
A virgin's death is needed there,
Sacrifice to Lucifer,
My master!

Bring the chalice, raise the knife,
Welcome to my sacrifice,
Plunge the dagger in her breast,
I insist!

Limbs weaken, life flies away,
Demons rejoice.
Sacrifice, sacrifice! 
Name your price. Sacrifice!

Death is swift as Satan's sword,
All the same, young and old,
Life means nothing to my lord...*

Drink from chalice, warm and sweet!
Virgin's heart final beat,
A lightning strikes... Virgin, die!...
Satan smiles.

Moon is black, the witches dance,
Heaven is denied.
Sacrifice, sacrifice!...


* Оправданието към естетиката.