25 април 2024 г.


Olve Eikemo, за да издаде своята физиономия, формира през 2006-та моментната рок-група I, резултатът е албумът "Between Two Worlds" (2006), 43 минути "straightforward Metal style rather than his Black Metal style" (Wikipedia).

8 песни, рифови, т.е. рифовете пеят речитатива. 

"The Storm I Ride"
"Between Two Worlds"
"Days of North Winds"
"Far beyond the Quiet"
"Cursed We are"

"I just realized something. I can't believe I didn't see this before. I think the 'I' on the cover of this album is supposed to look like Abbath's corpse-paint. So, the black is his eyes, and the 'I' is the white part in-between. Kinda genius." Нечий коментар.

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