14 октомври 2024 г.


"This was probably the best birthday ever. At least since I was a kid. Probably better than that. OK. Yes. Best birthday ever. If I could imagine the perfect birthday, this blew it out of the water! I told myself as an act of self love that I was going to fully accept and be present for the presents I would receive that day. It being a festival ('AfterShock' - б.м.), and so many walks of life from my road journey: we're going to be here. This was a day that in the past - mid thirties, when my darkness began to grow - would have set me into a tail-spin of either 'fuck it, I'm getting black out drunk', or 'I'm overwhelmed with anxiety, and need to hide'. But instead, it turned out to be more magical than I ever thought a birthday could be. The gifts I received were stories from my dear comrades about how I've affected them on their journey, little party favors of well wishes, and deep talks about what I mean to everyone around me. And I wasn't accepting these gifts to feed my ego. My ego is tired, and gets no thrill from compliments for compliments' sake. This was feeding my soul 
(енергийно - б.м.). These messages were going directly to my inner child. The one who holds the fragile power that is me, same as it ever was before, and forever will be. I was in turn giving these gifts to her: all the affirmations that her heart is golden, and that even though we still have no idea what we are doing, I have her back, she has mine, and no matter what comes for the rest of our lives: we'll survive it together. These are the presents I received, and I am forever grateful to all my diehard road pirates who hung out with me at 'AfterShock', and made this the best birthday ever. A special thanks to Kerry King (Slayer - б.м.) for getting the boys together, so that Slayer could perform. 'AfterShock' on 10/10 (2024 - б.м.) especially for my birthday (41 - б.м.): those candles were epic (сценичните огньове на Slayer)!" 

Lzzy Hale, 14 окт.' 2024, Instagram (link)

Какво е написла тя с този текст? Написала е 20-те минути "Festklänge" от Франц Лист (1853) и Лондонските филхармоници (1978). "The German title means 'festive sounds', and Liszt had intended the piece to be played at his wedding to Princess Carolyne zu Sayn-Wittgenstein" [Wikipedia, "Festklänge (Liszt)", 14 окт.' 2024], сватбата, която не се състоя. Приказката на приказките на Франц Лист, чуйте я - музиката, която се вижда... и аха да прескочиш там.

Аудио: LINK