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"What a fantastic night at the Musicares' 'Person of the Year' gala, honoring the legendary Joni Mitchell! The performances were mind blowing, hearts were full; and I'm so lucky to have had the best company with my Gibson Guitars fam: Jenny Marsh, Bethy Heidt, James Curleigh, Emily Wolfe... And it was so wonderful to see my A&R man (издателския агент* на Лизи - б. м.), the incomparable Pete Ganbarg: we hadn't seen each other in person since B.C. (before COVID) ... What a night!" ("With sails full of wind, our hearts overflow with belief", пееше Лу Маруло.)
Lzzy Hale, 4 апр.' 2022, Instagram (link)
* Довереникът по песенната регистрация, както и посредникът в цензурата по албумните издания.
Двете лели вдясно ме кефят: Bethy Heidt & Jenny Marsh (в червената рокля).
"Lzzrd was in Vegas this weekend. We took a quick trip out to join Gibson Guitars
and Musicares to celebrate the amazing Joni Mitchell."
Joe Hottinger, 3 апр.' 2022, Instagram (link), сн.
(както и предходните две - с които Джо за момент, освен в позирането,
е изоставил Фотографа; ех, хванал е логото... ето удобен случай да се види разликата):

Понеже: "I think I can drive forever with enough snacks, caffeine, and good company."
Joe Hottinger, 2 апр.' 2022, Instagram (link)