(метафизическият разум)
Deserve to exist
Откъм Бъркли...*
Кант: на самото по себе си нещо принадлежи вещта.
Шопенхауер: на волята за живот принадлежи моята воля.
Ницше: на волята за надмощие принадлежи всяка воля.
Брентано: на борбата за надмощие принадлежи логиката.
Хусерл: на ноемата принадлежи смисълът.
Хайдегер: на битието принадлежи етото.
Сартр: на нищото принадлежи нищожеството.**
Ясперс (Киркегор): няма нищо, нека намираме помежду си общ език.***
Това е гръбнакът на феноменологическата традиция.
Резюме (Затворническата дилема): Единият от двама ни току да заговори, е, па, виж, облагодетелствал се той за сметката на другия.* Но бихме се облажили ний двамата поравно, заговорим ли един за срещу другия.*** Пък замълчим ли, всите благини за двама ни ще се надигнат.**
(увеличете звука):
- I will not buy you, gentlemen, beer.
- We're not here for beer, my friend.
- Does anyone else feel she should be moving in slow motion?
- Will she want a large wedding, you think?
- Shall we say swords, gentlemen? Pistols at dawn?
- Have you remembered nothing? Recall the lessons of Adam Smith, the father of modern economics!
- 'In competition individual ambition serves the common (?! - б. м.) good.'
- Every man for himself, gentlemen!
- I'm not going to strike out.
- You can lead a blonde to water, but you can't make her drink.
- Oh, God. He may have the upper hand now, but wait until he opens his mouth! Remember the last time?
- That was one for the history books.
- Adam Smith needs revision.
- What are you talking about?
- If we all go for the blonde, we block each other. Not a single one of us is going to get her*... So then we go for her friends; but they will all give us the cold shoulder, because nobody likes to be second choice**... Well, what if no one goes for the blonde? We don't get in each other's way, and we don't insult the other girls.*** It's a single way we win. And that's the only way we all get laid... Adam Smith said: 'The best result comes from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself.' Right? That's what he said, that's right? Incomplete. Incomplete! Okay? Because the best result will come from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself and the group.
- Nash, this is some way for you to get the blonde on your own, even go to hell!
- Governing dynamics, gentlemen! GOVERNING dynamics. Adam Smith is wrong.
- Yes, here we go.
- Careful, careful...
- Thank you."