18 март 2022 г.


Коментар, Judy Won, щатната фотографка на Lzzy Hale: "Go, Detroit, go!"

Тя се е колебаела.

"After 15 years knowing, living, breathing, and working with our dear Detroit Haller, she has been offered the most amazing opportunity to work for one of the biggest Hard Rock bands in the world, Rammstein*! We are so happy that the rest of the universe is finally catching on to this woman's magic! Self made bitch! I'm so proud to call her my friend, and my sister. Fly, my dark wing (логистиката в ариергард - б. м.)! Carve your name in the side of the universe (Logistics' Empire - б. м.)! You always have your home base if you want it (окуражаване - б. м.); and I'm looking forward to still growing old, and swapping stories with your ass (Heavy Metal! - б. м.)." Стилът на Толкин... Мен няма (-ше) кой да окуражи: би било за каквото и да било.

Lzzy Hale, 18 март' 2022, Instagram (link)

"I met the band (Halestorm - б. м.) at The Machine Shop in Flint, Michigan. We bonded over tall boys of PBR, and over time became great friends. In 2009 they took a chance, and gave me my first touring position: as their merchandise representative (на сергията по концертите - б. м.); now, 11 years later, I am their assistant tour manager."  

"Detroit Haller has been a member of the Halestorm team for the past 11 years, working her way up to the position of Assistant Tour Manager. Her tireless work has played a pivotal role in the band's success by helping organize their infamously complex touring routes.
If you've ever had the pleasure of witnessing Halestorm's breathtaking live show, you have Detroit to thank."

The Women's International Music Network, 9 март' 2020 (link

18 март' 2022. Detroit Haller, PA (Production Assistant, организатор) на Lzzy Hale

* Логистиката, логистиката! Едва ли днес има рок-група с по-крупна логистика отколкото Rammstein. Detroit (Motor city!) е звяр (нейното истинско име е Lindsay). Lzzy е просто дзвер.