28 февруари 2021 г.

Минутките слава

Първият абзац е подготвителен, феноменологичният карусел се завърта във втория, увличайки като Сатурн прахоляк от клишета - и заковава поанта: 

"We were in Madison WI on stage when we first heard the news that we were nominated for our first Grammy. At the time, we didn't even think, as underground Hard Rockers, that we were even on the Recording Academy's radar. In the middle of our set, I was sitting myself down at the piano to do a solo ballad for the audience when Joe ran out to me to give me the news that we were nominated. The look of shock on my face stirred our front row freaks into a frenzy. When I turned to the microphone and announced this craziness, the cheer that roared from the crowd was what I can only liken to us winning the Super Bowl. Holy shit, what a night! We knew who we were up against, and didn't actually believe we would win. I mean, if it hadn't been for our fellow nominees in the category, we wouldn't be the Rockers we are today. So we went to the Grammy celebration, we walked the Red carpet, we went to all the parties, hung out with Katy Perry, John Mayor, Quincy Jones, Sting, etc., and everyone in the cool kids club... 

Then patiently waited to hear our name come up as they announced the winner. When David Alan Grier opened the envelope and read our name, there was a collective pause of disbelief, and for the first time in my life I was speechless. This honor for us as a band was personal. I've been in Halestorm since I was 13 years old. All I've ever wanted to do is Rock. And this award was confirmation that, yes, being in a Rock band was a crazy risk, but pursuing my happiness and dreams was not stupid. Could I have lived a normal, White picket fence life? Yes. But it would've never given me the hope, strength or satisfaction that my all-in-no-back-up-plan life of a Rockstar has given me. My advice to anyone thinking about pursuing their own dream: do it! Don't let anyone convince you that you can't or shouldn't. I stand here today, living proof that you are capable of greatness. Expect it of yourself, follow your compass. We only get one trip on this ride - make it your best one." 

Lzzy Hale, 27 февр.' 2021, Instagram (link), подчертаването е мое (самият Ницше не съумява да формулира що е то "вечен възврат", целта не е прицел)


Best Hard Rock/ Metal Performance
"Love Bites (So Do I)", Halestorm
"I'm Alive", Anthrax
"Blood Brothers (live)", Iron Maiden
"Ghost Walking", Lamb of God
"No Reflection", Marilyn Manson
"Whose Life (Is It Anyways?)", Megadeth
Сещам се, че тогава - след като ми казаха новината как 11-ти пореден път Megadeth губят - попитах: "Ех, сега пък от кого?" - "Някаква нова група..." Узнах Lzzy едва на 29 юли' 2018, т. е. 5 г. по-късно.    

Снимката на изненада,
 Majestic Theatre, Madison WI, 5 дек.' 2012
(фотографът е редови зрител)

Любителско видео с мига при вестта (3 min),
"Joe, are you like never off your phone?"

Staples Center, Los Angeles, 10 февр.' 2013;
2 min видео: link

(поставила го е у дома си в рамка)
 Клипът "Love Bites (So Do I)",
едно завръщащо се отново и отново веселие на Дионисий 

Тя, през 2019, за "Uncomfortable", бе номинирана повторно; наградата се спечели посмъртно от легендата Chris Cornell; Лизи бе една от водещите церемониятa, ето минутката с издавящата рибата поява, Staples Center, Los Angeles, 10 февр.' 2019: