18 февруари 2021 г.

Зимна усмивка

Lzzy Hale

Joe Hottinger, импресивно към снимката (17 февр.' 2021, Instagram: link), пише: 

"Snow daze in Nashville. Everything is just kinda... shut down. Perfect time to keep writing new music and go for an occasional winter stroll." T. e. вместо натуралистичното, че, видиш ли, "зима е, рибари, пробили дупка в леда, ловят риба, а до тях два вълка...".

Отговарят му на Джо: 

- Stay safe and warm!

- Stay warm! Us Texans are struggling out here.

- I feel for you! Here in Nebraska we had 2 days of -25 air temps and some rolling blackouts. Stay warm and be safe!

- Stay warm y'all.

- You guys could melt it if you wanted: do a backyard live show.

- Same here in Kentucky!

А накрая: 

- Enjoying the air conditioner here in Melbourne.

... Heavy Metal!

Lzzy Hale, Сидни, 6 дек.' 2019

"I am the fire...
Roaring like a storm,
Screaming like a siren,
Alive and burning brighter"
