15 август 2020 г.

15 август' 2020. Критика и опит: какво се задава

Lzzy Hale, 15 август' 2020, Twitter (link): "'I will Always Love You' (кавърът от EP 'Reimagined', 14 август' 2020, link - б. м.) was my second take out of seven. It was me just warming up, but the added emotion and uncertainty led to a more magical take than me trying to be a diva singer." 

Tara Lakatos (рок-фотожурналистка от Пенсилвания, землячка на Лизи - б. м.), в отговор (link): "I remember from when you were recording 'Vicious' (последния засега албум, 27 юли' 2018 - б. м.) that Nick (продуцентът Nick Raskulinecz - б. м.) told you not to try and be a singer, and you said 'well, that's what I am'..." 

(Yoda: "Do or do not, there is no try.") 

Lzzy Hale, 15 август' 2020, Instagram (link, сн. Joe Hottinger, нейният китарист и партньор вече 17 г., и най-представящ я фотограф - б. м.*): "Write, redraft, write... OK, there's something special. Follow it! Finish it! I can't wait for all of you to hear these new tunes myself and the boys have been cooking up. If you are your own worst critic like I am, you know how good it feels to be so proud of a little piece of music: to chase down in mid-air something that excites you and turn your thoughts into life." Афористично изявление, за което дори Ницше би завидял - и което бих нарекъл "Специалитет". 

* Виж непременно снимката: бъдеще време на Ван-Гоговите обувки.