26 август 2024 г.

Творческият риск

"All the production stuff had started to dry up then. Because no bands got signed anymore. After 2012 it was done. Radio was done. Rock music was done. And so were gigs. When 2016 rolled around, and I started YouTube, I was 54 with 3 kids. Layla was 3, Lennon was 7, and Dylan was 9 (забележете имената - б.м.). I didn't know anything about cameras, 
I didn't know anything about video editing...  I didn't know anything. But I knew about music!... Videos at the beginning of the channel - very primitive ones. I filming a lot of these things with my iPhone. But people recognized the content. Here's the concept, this is what I want to teach, and then it's how do we implement these things... Somebody is going to be successful... How can we improve 'this', what are the next things we're doing? I'm not going to endorse any products. I sell my own courses."

Publ. 26 Aug.' 2024 | Rick Beato, 4.41M subscribers on YouTube  

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