10 август 2021 г.

Нов жанр в популярната музика

10 авг. 2021. Throat Punch, предвид обнародвания на 9 авг.' 2021 отрязък от песента на Lzzy Hale "Back from the Dead" (link), започнаха около дългоочаквания албум на Halestorm да наричат из ревютата жанра. "New Halestorm throat punch, get a taste of 'Back from the Dead'", ето, призовава ни и радиостанцията 99.7 The Blitz (link). 

Но не това, мисля, е най-важното. Лизи днес (Twitter, link) е изнесла удивителна фактология: 

"Halestorm trivia time!

Today (9 авг.' 2021 - б. м.) marks the 24th anniversary of our first show as Halestorm. It was supposed to be Joe's day of his first ever show just counties apart from where Arejay (нейното братче-барабанист - б. м.) and I played ours. But because of Jerry Garcia's passing, Joe's was postponed. Arejay and I would finally meet Joe 6 years later... 

24 years exactly to the day: we release our latest announcement of new music. You can't tell me we weren't supposed to be here doing exactly what we are doing.

Josh and I unknowingly went to the same church as kids. And my dad and his uncle played music together. I'm sure we played in the same sandbox at least once. We didn't officially meet 'til we were 19.

My birthday is 10/10, Air (Libra холерик - б. м.). 
Joe's birthday is 2/22, Water (Pisces меланхолик - б. м.). 
Josh's birthday is 5/5, Earth (Taurus флегматик - б. м.). 
Arejay's is April Fools' Day, Fire (Aries сангвиник - б. м.)."

P. S. Кадър от клипа към "Back from the Dead" 

"'Cause I'm still standing, above ground"