16 май 2024 г.

Ted Gioia при Rick Beato

"The Silent Takeover: Ted Gioia on AI's Threat to Music"

Изд. 14 май' 2024, YouTube

"The labels now depend on artists having their own following before they even get signed. And that is a terrible proposition as far as I'm concerned. You have to have proof of concept before they will invest any money in what you're doing. But by that time why do you need the record label?... They can't just have one person that's the lead actor... they need to have five different ones... We need eight producers on a song, and seven songwriters... There's a thing: a fluid intelligence versus what would be crystallized intelligence... fluid intelligence, I guess, would be people being able to improvise... and crystallized is people that use their life experience to come up with ideas."

Rick Beato


"They should be willing to take risks... 2024 is the year when the microculture is going to triumph over the macroculture... We have a little bit more freedom... The next step has to be for the large companies to recognize this, and try to either work with people... or try to develop something like that themselves... You can't reduce things to a formula... The more common thing in society is not decline, it's stagnation... Too many cooks making the meal now... It's impossible to have a creative vision... because there are so many bureaucrats interfering at every step along the way... It's a scarcity of trust... Entertainment gives you exactly what you want... the artist makes demands on you... These companies are being forced out of their comfort zone... and they're embracing these technological solutions in which they want to change all the rules at once... into something they can monetize... 
The choice is made for you... Jazz for studying... classical music for relaxing... Rock for partying. The playlists are all these generic things, and they're embedded in you, situations in your life... The record industries have lost patience in building a career... If you believe in an artist, you fight for them... I was not prepared for these opportunities when I was younger... 50 years earlier the leading composer in Europe was Haydn; he had to wear servant's clothing. And now you have Beethoven who's a celebrity... You have these Tech-titans that control the world. What we need is more of a creative humanistic spirit... 
We have to fight our way outside of the box."

Ted Gioia

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