11 май 2024 г.

Олве ги зачеса!

"It's a great day for fire,
It's a great day for wrath,
It's a warrior's desire:
Ride down the mountainside...
Where great warriors sleep"

Магнетичен и държелив норвежец, браво!* Еманация на моето поколение.
Браво и на Оле**, соло-китариста, той е набор на Олве, 73, аз съм 72.  
Великолепен ракурс при записа. Монреал, 10 май' 2024. 
Чуйте и вижте 6-те минути:


* Трудно му беше да изтрезнее, но успяха да го уплашат.

** Ole André Farstad е страхотна придобивка за Олве. 

Та ето как сам Оле се е визитирал в сайта си (www.oleplingplong.com):

"Ole André Farstad is my name. I am a guitarist, composer, and producer. 
Strings aficionado and collaborator. A brief history: Growing up playing in Rock bands, and simultaneously studying classical guitar. Music and the guitar played a major role in my life from a very young age. I received a master's degree from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London after studying jazz and classical music at the conservatoire in Agder (now UIA). (Норвегия - б.м.) Also, I have traveled widely to learn music and string instruments from other cultures. I work with a diverse spectrum of performers and musical genres, from world music, jazz, and classical to modern, experimental, improvised music, Rock, and Metal, thanks to a tremendous fascination for all types of music."