9 май 2024 г.


    - Шопенхауер, "On the Basis of Morality", пр. E.F.J. Payne, ч. III, гл. IV: 
"And when Arnold von Winkelried exclaimed, 'Comrades, true and loyal to our oath, care for my wife and child in remembrance thereof', and then clasped in his arms as many hostile spears as he could grasp, some may imagine that he had a selfish intention, but I cannot."
    - Ницше, "Human, All Too Human", пр. M. Faber & S. Lehmann, 138:
"Actually, all he cares about is the release of his emotions; to relieve his tension, he may gather together his enemy's spears and bury them in his own heart."
    - Дълг: героизмът освобождава в любов напрежението.
    - Ала конкурирането синтезира (за разпределяне) любовта.