30 август 2023 г.

Светлината към снимката

Тя ме сметна за убог, защото се взрях; 
какво ни казва тя, сияейки на възбог? 
и към какво е петимна?  

"Can Nietzsche and Jesus be referred to in the same breath? 

The one, a belletristic flash in the pan, and the other, founder of a religion that has shaped human history more powerfully than any other? 

The one offers a muddle so full of contradictions that it is astounding the author doesn't see them, the other, a harmonious teaching pervaded and animated by one idea. 

The one demands that our goal be focused solely on this life, the other on the next. 

The one calls for war of all against all and the oppression of the weak by the strong, 
the other for peace through universal love of neighbor and for merciful assistance 
and liberation. 
The one preaches the transvaluation of all values (i.e. he wants to call bad what historically was called good, and vice versa), while the other says that he did not come to annul 
the existing morally valid laws, but to confirm them and put them in their proper light. 
And so, the one has the testimony of all humanity against him, whereas a certain testimony for the other is harbored in the breast of every person, and especially in those 
who according to general consensus are honored as the noblest. 
Moreover, to all of this is added that the one found himself in mental darkness 
in his last hours, while the other never appeared more brilliant and glorious 
than in the moment of his departure, and in the hours of terrible mistreatment 
that preceded it."

Franz Brentano (b. 1838), from "Nietzsche as Imitator of Jesus", tr. Richard Schaefer

"Man muss noch Chaos in sich haben,  
um einen tanzenden Stern gebären zu können":
безвремието на Ницше (р. 1844) постъпва във времето на Христа

30 авг.' 2023