22 август 2023 г.

Реалността на една любов

"After rocking with my boys,
After shaking all the hands,
I'll be talking to the press,
And signing people's chests,
And hanging with the fans.

After washing up my face,
After letting down my hair,
I'll be taking off my heels,
Putting on my chucks,
And waiting for you there.

'Cause I want the sweet love
To get me through,
I want, I want sweet love,
And I know that you want it too.

So give me the sweet love
To get me by,
I want, I want sweet love
Every night until I die. 

It's nice to have a special friend,
Someone that I can call my own,
Someone to keep me on the ground
When my world is spinning 'round,
And remind me of my home.

You're sure a scary-looking guy
Who's quick to jump into a fight,
But when I have a bad day,
You know just what to say,
I'm so glad that you're mine."


Rivers Cuomo подарява ней тази песен,
която тя ще преобрази посвоему:
ами проследете тук целия цикъл, 
вкл. кулминацията и завършека
(за да стане ясно, че тази песничка
никой друг не може да изпее)
 4 минути документален кадър,
Нашвил, "The Basement", 26 юли' 2014:

 Вече 20 години Lzzy & Joe са неразделни (трошат мангизи):
тя си го е избрала