1 април 2023 г.

Бях забравил колко добре умее тя да пише

Lzzy Hale, 1 апр.' 2023, Twitter (link):

"The new Twitter format is different, and I've been slow to find my new joy in it; 
I apologize if this has left any of my people lonely, or wondering"

Нечий коментар: "Lzzy Hale should have her own social media"


"My earliest memory is you. You coming home from the hospital, writing my first little lullaby to you, coming up with childhood mischief with you, starting to jam with you... And if it wasn't for your talent, unapologetic nature, and quest for joy, I would not be the woman I am today. You are a neon light of hope in this crazy world, and I have learned so much, and had at least six lifetimes of fun with you since we were kids; and I know I still call you little bro ad nauseam... But in truth you've taught me more, and inspired me more than most of the gazillion people I've met on this journey. As I watch this crazy storm come into Nashville tonight, it's pretty fitting: they are predicting some big ass hail. But we all know the big ass Hale that started Halestorm. And that's you, bro (not saying you have a big ass). You are the Jerry Lewis to my Dean Martin, the Batman to my Robin, the Lucy to my Desi, the Bert to my Ernie. Happy birthday, my dear brother!"

Lzzy Hale, 1 апр.' 2023, Instagram (link

Честит 36-ти рожден ден на Arejay Hale, бaрабаниста на Halestorm!

Сн. Joe Hottinger