3 март 2023 г.


Далаверата е изходът от техническата надпревара,
пък техно-логическата надпревара е изходът от далаверата.

    "Technical refers to the formal process of putting something together in order to function.
    And technological refers to an economic enabler that has matured out of applied science into a concrete form of power to be deployed in the form of a system"

    Quora, Sukasyo (link)

Да, това е Философ:

"We are curious in our essential self, 
and that's the core from which anything manifests

Most fundamental skill - sharpening your perception

Creativity is playfully and judiciously applying knowledge to a context, 
and coming up with design alternatives which are foundationally sound, 
but expressing different tastes and trade-offs

Career is a journey, while success is your personal sense of achievement:
    - occupation - to swim thru the demands of living 
    - profession - some form of ethical code which is promised to the community
    - vocation - one's innermost calling to offer something

Marriage is happening each day in the common space Heaven called 'Heart': 
where you become instrumental in bringing some more child souls into your garden"

Quora, Sukasyo, 3 март' 2023

Допълнението към статията ми "Дяволите да ни вземат", pdf: link