7 ноември 2021 г.

Само глупости, Miss Havisham!

6-7 ноември' 2021, Twitter, "Ask Lzzy Anything"

"There isn't anyone on the planet that I wouldn't tour with once, except for the few complete assholes I've met, who do not deserve my time" (link)

"It's just where they've always stood, kinda like when you pick your side of the bed versus your significant other; it just becomes second nature (местата по сцената - б. м.)" (link)

"I love my custom heels that have teeth" (link)

Lzzy: "I'm preparing for my 'cougar' years (по повод леопардовия тоалет, 5 ноември' 2021- б. м.)" (6 ноември, link)
- You got another 20 before that

- Why were you wearing sneakers?
Lzzy: "There was a huge lump that happened in the carpet on stage; I'm crazy for wearing 8'' heels every night, but I'm not stupid when it comes to safety" (6 ноември, link) 

"I was literally told by my vocal doctor to not see any vocal coach, but to train myself instead; apparently I have good technique" (link)

"I think that you'll be seeing yourself in a lot of these new songs, my dear" (link)

"Fall is my favorite, I'm not a big fan of hot Summers" (link)

"Oh, girl, I'm always in the mood these days" (link)

"I have a closet full of hand-me-downs and art pieces I will be selling at some point, I'll let you know when I get it organized" (link)

"I felt Chester in the room last night, RIP (по повод неговата песен, що изпяха с Ейми,  
5 ноември' 2021 - б. м.)" (link)

"I'm addicted to bone broth" (link)

"I also have a pair of ratty gray sweats that I've never taken out of my house, that I'm wearing right now, that make me feel like my inner self, the Elizabeth off stage" (link) 

"I'm in love with the new merch" (link)

- I'm in love with you
Lzzy: "Aw, thank you, Matt" (link)

"We are friends, we phoned each other, silly" (link)

"I'm getting to talk to people in countries we've never visited, like Ukrain and the Philippines, plus I'm getting to see everyone's Halestorm shrines" (link)

"We are streaming on the 23rd of December, get your VIP" (link)

"Thanks to all the anti-vaxxers/ COVID deniers we have to lock down every day: no restaurants, no bars, no visitors" (link

"We are running a tight ship, so days off we stay on the bus, or hotel rooms, and entertain ourselves; thanks, COVID; I would go for a walk, but it's raining" (6 ноември, link)