6 септември 2021 г.

50 г. "Imagine"

Песента на Джон Ленън

5-ма се изказват един подир друг общо в 4 мин. и пол.

AXS TV, изд. 6 септ.' 2021, YouTube

Кой сред тях е най-свеж, точен и обхватен?

"I've always thought of John Lennon's 'Imagine' as part posing a question, part mission statement, and part instruction manual for how we're actually supposed to exist as human beings toward each other. And now, 50 years later after John gifted this beautiful and powerful song to the world, it is still more relevant than ever. And I think it's time that we really sit down and hear these words, take to them on our heart, and finally let go of all of the petty differences, and fear that divides us."         

Видео: link