14 март 2024 г.

Моята приятелка и нейното величие

Тя, която твори своя собствена сексуалност... 
Изисква се там мъж, що твори своя собствена съдба.


"By all contemporary accounts, Elizabeth, despite her growing depravity, was an exceptionally beautiful woman. Elizabeth Bathory wished to remain young and beautiful not only for those brief interludes when her husband returned from the wars, but in order to please her growing list of lovers. Elizabeth was wont to indulge in sexual horse-play with one of her manservants in front of her castle staff. Girl servants were beaten until they became unrecognizable lumps of congealed flesh, bone, and blood on the stone floor. Molten wax, knives, branding irons, rods, and rope were employed. Paper doused in oil was ignited between the toes and thighs of young women. Several were forced to eat their own flesh and those of other victims. Elizabeth herself, when ill, frequently bit and ripped out pieces of the faces and breasts of attendants who displeased her. Whenever her imagination flagged, her cohorts stepped forward to play out fantasies of their own. The belief that blood could renew her youth and beauty became an obsession. Positioned underneath, Elizabeth drank and washed in the blood as it rained down."

Encyclopedia.com, "Bathory, Elizabeth (1560 - 1614)", 14 март' 2024 (link)


"Welcoming the virgins fair to live a noble life
In the castle known to all, the count's infernal wife...
    Countess Bathory!
All day long the virgins sit, and feast on endless meals;
The countess laughs, and sips her wine, her skin doth crack and peel...

    Countess Bathory!"

Venom, "Countess Bathory", аудио: LINK

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