10 май 2022 г.

Lzzy Hale: лириката "Back from the Dead"

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Back from the Dead

Out of the black, breaking free of the wasteland;
Out of the mud, crawling up through the quicksand;
Leaving the dark, coming into the light:
Don't lay me down, save your last rites,
'Cause I'm still standing above ground!

Back from the dead alive, Hell couldn't hold me;
Back from the Other side, up from the dirt I rise:
Save your prayers, don't bless my bones,
Erase my name from my headstone;
Back from the dead alive, Hell couldn't hold me down!

On the edge of the world, getting lost in oblivion
To the devils who tried to keep me living like a prisoner;
Couldn't chain me down, couldn't cage me in:
So keep your savior, give me back my sins,
'Cause I'm still standing on the ground!

Wicked Ways

Don't call me an angel, I'll always be sinful;
It don't make me evil, but I got my wicked ways...

I've been the liar, I've been the cheat;
I've been the black heart, I've been the thief.

You curse my name, but I believe
We all play the sinner and the saint, and the in-between.

I need my devils, I let them rage;
I keep my eyes wide open when I pray.

I've been the villain to misbehave,
I like trouble coming in a hundred different ways.

So don't call me an angel, I'll always be sinful;
It don't make me evil, but I got my wicked ways.

I'll never be faithful, I'll always be tempted;
It don't make me evil, I ain't evil, but I got my wicked ways.

I've been the freak, I've disobeyed
Every single virtue that I ever praised.

I get so high on feeling low,
Love running with the sicker things, and sleeping with my ghosts.

I burn a flame for every scar,
I swore allegiance to the fire in my heart.

That light's a darkness I will never betray,
And Heaven knows that I'll never change.

Strange Girl

Do I make you nervous, do I make you scared;
Do I make you wanna just stop, and stare?
Weird, bizarre, unusual, sicker than sick, atypical:
A perfect picture of your fucking worst nightmare.

Do I make you frightened, do I make you fear for your life?
When you're so certain, I'll infect you when I'm near:
Obscene, twisted, unnatural, off-the-wall, unacceptable,
I'm bulletproof to what you think.

So you can damn me straight to Hell, you can crucify my name;
You can throw me to the wolves, you can burn me in the flame;
And say: "She's such a strange girl."
The world needs strange girls just like me.

Cast me out, abandon me, write me off for dead;
Ridiculed, made to feel like I'm your deepest dread,
You say: "She's such a strange girl."
The world needs strange girls just like me.

Would you call me daughter, would you love me when
My halo's bent and crooked, and when you call me malcontent?
Sad, sicker than usual: "Can't you be more like the girl next door
Instead of little miss misfit?"

Do you hate me just to change me to be just like you?
Do you fear me to make me feel empty: so I'm just like you...
I will never be like you,
I'll never be you.


Scared to death, terrified;
This is it: welcome to your best life!

Breathe it in, spit it out;
Happy face: but I'm numb now.

On the edge of alive;
Sick of being, sad on the inside.

It's okay, I'm used to it:
This is just the way it is.

But I keep looking on the bright side of life,
'Cause it only gets darker.

We all need something to keep believing,

So I keep looking on the bright side of life,
'Cause it only gets harder.

We all need something to keep us feeling,
'Cause it only gets darker.

Fake a smile, and self-destruct:
Count it down "4321".

I'm over it, all the bullshit,
And this fucked up world I'm living in.

Where everything I'm choking on
Is supposed to help, and keep me hanging on.

Yeah, ain't it fun! So enjoy the ride:
'Cause life's a bitch, and then you die.

Scared to death, freaking out;
Remembering this is what it's all about.

That love kills, that love dies;
But don't sweat it: maybe in the next life.

You'll be perfect, you'll be flawless;
You'll be careless, with no problems.

So this is it, ain't it cool!
It's everything you wanted, but nobody likes you.

The Steeple

It stopped raining in my head today,
I finally feel like myself again;
Redemption's here at last, back where it all began:
In the place where God and the Devil shake hands.

This is my Kingdom, this is my Cathedral, this is my Castle;
And these are my People, this is my Armor, this is my Anchor;
It's been a long road outta Hell up to the Steeple:
For this is my Church, and these are my People.

A choir's singing in my heart today
Like a thousand angels, breaking the silent parade;
To the ones I call my own, I'm back where I belong:
In the place where God and the Devil call home.

This is our Church, you are my People;
This is our Church, this is our Steeple;
This is our Church, you are my People;
This is our Church, this is my Steeple!

Terrible Things

We are human, we are violent,
We learn our lessons, then defy them;
We are heartless, and immoral,
We carry hatred like a Bible.

And there's a hole in my life,
There's a blackness inside
That's eating me alive
Leaving me to decide.

Do I live with this pain
As the rain starts to fall
From my eyes
Asking myself why?

I see terrible things,
I see a sickness in a world on its knees;
It will take what you love like a thief,
But in my dreams I believe we're not these terrible things.

We are nothing without failure,
But we have chosen ill behavior;
With every scar we have learned
Not to heal, but to hurt.

We've become something else,
Even I cannot tell just why:
If I fall, if I run,
That's when I will become terrible things.

My Redemption

Scrapes on my hands, blood on my knees,
Pick myself up by my own beliefs;
I carry my sins, no need to confess,
Won't scream out for mercy when it puts me through Hell.

I set it on fire, I lay it to rest,
Here's to the hurt, so I wouldn't forget;
My heart can survive it, I'm stronger than this,
They ain't built a weapon that could kill me yet.

Don't need saving to save myself,
Don't need forgiveness to bless my guilt,
Lost my faith, and found belief:
In my redemption I'm my own redemption.

Took back my life through an ocean of tears,
In a hole down so deep, suffocating from fear,
Running from purpose while losing my grip,
Building the walls that built me brick by brick.

So here's to the dagger, the sword, and the pain,
If not for the dirt, the shovel, the grave;
A shock to my system that opened my eyes,
And made me believe.

Don't need praying to find my hope,
Don't need Heaven to save my soul,
Fell from grace just to believe:
In my redemption I'm my own redemption.


"Be a good girl, play along,
Wear your short skirt, sing your song!"

"And zip it up,
'Cause we don't like when you speak up!"

"Just bite your tongue, and give it up!"
Well, I got news for all of you, fools:

You better suck it up,
You're never gonna shut me up!

Baby, I'm a bombshell:
I'll light you up like a bombshell!

"Girl, behave, and know your place,
Paint a smile upon your face!"

"And zip it up,
'Cause we don't like it when you're tough!"

"Just shut your mouth, and give it up!"
Well, I got plans for all of you, men:

I'm never gonna zip it up,
So go ahead, and lick it up!

Baby, I'm a bombshell:
I go off like a bombshell!

She's not fragile like a flower,
She is fragile like a bomb.

I Come First

I'm not your servant, I'm not your slave,
I may be good at trouble, but I'm not yours to change.

One hand on the bed, one behind my back;
Think you're in... but not so fast.

You get what you give, so give it to me,
wait your turn: 'cause I come first!

Yeah, I'm worth it,
I come first: go on, and work it!

Play with fire, get burned...
Tell you when it's your turn.

You don't get to break the rules:
The truth hurts.

But I'm worth it,
Yeah, I'm worth it: I come first.

I'm not your victim, I'm not your prey,
I may be good at bad things, but I'm not yours to shame.

You're never gonna get it with the games you play,
A little respect goes a long, long way.

I'm gonna make you wait like you made me:
so how does it taste?

Don't do me like that, don't do me like that:
Do me like that, do me like that!

Psycho Crazy

You say I need psychotherapy,
Now you're making me mad;
I say you quit trying to fix me,
Or this is gonna get bad.

If you want a battle, I'll give you a war;
Think you control me, don't know what you're in for:
Keep coming at me, keep coming, you'll see,
Keep pushing, keep pushing, pushing on me...

If you want crazy, I'll give you psycho,
So don't make me mad, I'll get sick in the head,
And show you what you don't know:
If you want crazy, I'll give you psycho.

You say I've got problems, got issues,
And it's all in my head;
But don't get it twisted, you just might misunderstand
You're the reason I am.

I may go ballistic, or better: unhinged,
In my straightjacket on needles and pins;
But don't you forget
That you started this shit?

It always comes down to you versus me,
But I won't break, 'cause this time I'm fighting for me,
For everything you took away:
So keep pushing on me.

Raise Your Horns

Burn every fear, every doubt like a funeral fire,
Scream every anthem, and follow your reckless desires,
Take back the crown that hangs at the gate,
Ready your march, steady your aim:
For the heart is a soldier that never loses its way.

So raise your horns, raise 'em high,
Let 'em soar, let 'em fly
Up through the heavens
Let 'em reign down...

Sing every verse, every sermon, for the dead are unheard,
Shout from the rooftops while you still live every word,
'Cause the pendulum swings for those who dare wait;
Through flesh and through bone to where nothing escapes:
So follow true north on the road that will lead you away.

Forgive every fear that convinced you to put out your light,
Show every flaw, every scar that this world made you hide
From who you are...