9 февруари 2022 г.


"I started the Lzzy's Love Letters thing years ago, and it only just now over the past year has blown up in a huge way. Our label, in an effort to try to build, yes, can ask too much. As, on the contrary, I've always done my thing selflessly and in an underground way. Gorilla style! But from a business standpoint I get it. We are living in a day 'n' age of algorithms. The labels want to know who are the super fans, who are the people who are actually buying tickets or the merch, or the games, so they can better further our trajectory as a career. Sorry for your hardship or frustration in the matter. I'm still going to pick someone who signs up, and write them a personal love letter for V-day. Cuz whoever they are, they deserve it. Love you, guys!"

Lzzy Hale, 9 февр.' 2022, Twitter (link)        

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