21 януари 2022 г.

Случка: запалил се е бусът на Halestorm

Сн. и ком. Joe Hottinger, публ. 20 ян.' 2022, Instagram (link

Lzzy Hale гърбом в буса (модернистично платно)

"Old Halestorm had a night for the books. We were all in our hotel rooms last night, and we woke up to our bus burning down at 3 AM. Fun fun. No one was hurt. The Worcester fire department got there, and put the fire out. They were amazing. Our fearless security Steve pulled guitars and luggage out of the bay. We all lost some stuff, but it was just stuff. The investigator doesn't know what started it, but it began in the bunk hall. What matters is that no one was hurt. The best part is that tonight we will Rock. Looking forward to playing some music, and forgetting about things being on fire. See you tonight, Worcester!"
Lzzy Hale, 20 ян.' 2022, Twitter (link):  
"Bus caught fire. Something electrical. We stopped owning vehicles vs. renting them years ago because of the risk."
Bryan: "I hope this doesn't ruin bus life for you in your head."
Lzzy: "No, it won't. I'll just make sure to have a fire drill more often."  
    (Lzzy Hale, 21 ян.' 2022, Twitter, link.)
Lzzy Hale, 21 ян.' 2022, Twitter (link, link, link, link, link): 
"Between laughing at this near miss, crying over the 'what-if'-s… I had a full on panic attack preshow from an intense day full of emotions. But we are just so thankful to be here, when it could've turned so hard in the wrong direction... I hadn't had one in a long time. Shaking, short of breath. The boys helped get me straight, then I literally walked on stage, and let the crowd carry me through. I can't sleep either, and I have a show tomorrow... I literally wrote a full page tonight of a new song idea. Knowing I could've died, or that little bro, or anyone that I love out here could've… I'm just so grateful to be here. Grateful for you and this community. I think maybe I've snapped out of something that could've killed me slower... I'm in the middle of a symphony of snoring right now, like chainsaw level (Джо захъркал, без много-много да се кахъри, но нашата е паника - б. м.)."
Ето и статия в Planet Rock: link
"Both my little brother (барабанистът и брат на Лизи - б. м.) and I are notorious bus sleepers, almost always choosing the bus over hotel rooms. We have both sworn off this as of today, of course." Lzzy Hale, 20 ян.' 2022, Instagram (link)
Лизи е заснела там късо филмче, вижте и чуйте (включете звука): link