"Witches call it spell.
Christians call it prayer.
Spiritualists call it manifestation.
Atheists call it placebo effect.
Scientists call it quantum physics.
Everyone's arguing over its name,
but no one is denying its existence"
"(1) Is it ethical to steal bread to feed your starving family?
(2) Is it ethical to hoard bread when families are starving?"
(1) Yes, but it must not be ethical.
(2) No, but it must be ethical.
"I opened my eyes, and saw the real world, and I began to laugh, and I haven't stop since." - Kierkegaard
Религиозното се разпада на етическо и на естетическо.
"If our demons cannot dance, neither can we." - Nikita Gill
"After you come out of 'fight or flight' mode, your body is just trying to catch up on the calm it hasn't received in years, you aren't lazy"