5 февруари 2025 г.

Чувството за отговорност. Размишление

"Living in the Future

Living in the future, living in the past, we are both simultaneously. Sitting in a coffee shop in Frankfurt... Some people come for a break, trying to slow time. Some people come to work: quietly get ahead, or make up for lost time. Both are ambitious, but have different ways of garnering peace. How do I gain and garner peace? Lack of work? Distraction? Or by spilling my messy thoughts: the coffee stain on my note pad. Both. Maybe sometimes I use distraction as a way to excuse myself of not doing anything for the band, or my career. Or maybe I'm easing my guilt by taking a break from something I've been building my entire life."

Lzzy Hale, 31 окт.' 2023, публ. 5 февр.' 2025, Instagram (link)

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