9 април 2021 г.


(атрактор: въдворяване в смисъл* цикъл "след" цикъл) 

"Whatsoever is the result of the impact of the 'eye' upon the appropriate motion1; you yourself are never exactly the same2. We shall wish in the first place to look into the real essence of our thoughts and see whether they harmonize with one another or not at all.3 Now the slow element keeps its motion in the same place and directed towards such things as draw near it, and indeed it is in this way that it begets.4 But the things begotten in this way are quicker; for they move from one place to another, and their motion is naturally from one place to another.**

Now when the eye and some appropriate object which approaches beget whiteness and the corresponding perception - which could never have been produced by either of them going to anything else - then, while sight from the eye and5 whiteness from that which helps to produce the color are moving from one to the other, the eye becomes full of sight and so begins at that moment to see, and becomes, certainly not sight, but a seeing eye, and the object which joined in begetting the color is filled with whiteness and becomes in its turn, not whiteness, but white6.***"

Платон, "Теетет" (Сократ), пр. H. N. Fowler


(1) 153e (апострофите са мои). (2) 154a. (3) 154e. (4) 156c. (5) 156d. (6) 156e.

* Идеята, "learning to know" (209e).

** Перспективата на жизнения опит (свършена фактичност, из-образяването, намерение след убеждение, интуицията).

*** Перспективата на житейския опит (зачатъчна фактичност, съ-образяването, убеждение след намерение, интуицията).

Допълнение към статията ми "Дяволите да ни вземат", pdf: link

P. S. Прочетох по настоящия превод "Теетет".