29 ноември 2024 г.

What is Love

"How can I be so frustrated and annoyed with you? Мy surrogate potions and herbal pills, the usual note by the sink, ass grabs. It's washing the dishes, your jeans on delicate for you, making sure your water is always in reach, stroking your hair when it's wild with flyways, singing to you in the car - and practicing guitar to better play you with. It's squeegeeing the shower... There's enough left in the kettle, so you'll have plenty for your oatmeal... It's wiping the toilet seat when I piss too far - and trying not to forget what we are fighting for. And sure I breathe when I get swept up in passion... Handing me a tissue for my runny nose, telling me when my breath wreaks, and when my shoe creaks, complimenting me on my pretty dresses, the time to read my words... For being the Hand of a Queen, for holding me together when I come apart at the seams, for carrying the weight of my darkness."

Lzzy Hale, 28 ноември' 2024, Thanksgiving, Instagram (link, link)

Снимката, която тя е прикрепила:

Lzzy Hale & Joe Hottinger