"A national abortion ban is not just about abortion. It's about power, and it's about subtracting women from the national meeting, the world conversation. Not because it'll be illegal for women to speak, but because they'll be absent from the meeting, because they'll be busy doing lego, and making sandwiches. Here's the thing: the knock-on effect of this oncoming abortion ban is seismic for a subtler reason: women who are raising children have way less time to fight the system. Women - especially solo women - who are raising children have less time to work other jobs, to march and protest, to make meaningful art, to rage against the fucking machine. We are too busy breastfeeding, and cleaning up poop, and doing lego, and making sandwiches, and doing laundry, and cleaning up jammy; shitty messes we didn't know we were gonna have to clean... Even with help, even with babysitters, even with family stopping by - it's overwhelming. Today is a good day to buy Plan B, 'shelf life 4 years', tell a friend..."
Lzzy Hale, 8 ноември' 2024, Instagram