8 септември 2023 г.

Може ли "тя" да готви?

Питам се, бидейки стар ерген 
Пък мнозина знаят и мнозина не знаят, че хобито на Lzzy Hale 
(когато е вкъщи) е да си съставя рецепти, по които готви на Джо;
стилът - както на писане, тъй и на готвене - е Heavy Metal

Та ето най-диетично издържаното ястие на света

"Lzzy's Blue Cheese Mushroom Risotto Recipe


    * 4 tablespoons olive oil
    * 4 tablespoons butter, divided (I like to keep more handy)
    * 1 medium onion, diced
    * 4 cloves garlic, minced
    * 16 ounces Crimini Baby Bella mushrooms, sliced
    * 1 ½ cups Arborio rice
    * 4 cups chicken broth
    * 1 cup white wine
    * 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
    * 1 cup Blue cheese (or more if you want it extra blue)
    * 1 teaspoon dried parsley
    * salt and pepper (I sometime add a pinch of cayenne for spice)
1. In a deep skillet heat up the olive oil, cook onions, garlic, and mushrooms; 
then set aside in a covered bowl

2. Add a tablespoon of butter to the pan, and dump in the rice. Toast until the rice becomes a bit see-through, then add the white wine, and stir 'til absorbed

3. Once the wine has vanished, add a single ladleful of broth, can use wine for, and stir slowly with a wooden spoon until the stock is absorbed. Add another ladleful, and repeat

4. Once the babysitting is done, and the rice is creamy in texture (I like mine a lil al dente, but you can go further to get the rice to a Mac 'n' Cheese texture as well), add the remainder of the butter, the cheese, parsley, and your mushroom-onion-garlic from before. Stir to incorporate, add salt and pepper... Serve immediately!"

Lzzy Hale, 31 май' 2022, Tumblr (The Diary): link