19 юли 2021 г.

"My soul reentered my body"

Lzzy Hale (19 юли' 2021, Instagram, link) по повод първия си след карантината концерт (Нашвил, 16 юли' 2021, The Basement East, link).

Ето как Judy Won, нейната щатна фотографка, е съхранила думите. 
Това, в концертна плът backstage, са Джош и Джо; 
а нейното тяло вече или все още е върху сцената:

Джо (19 юли' 2021, Instagram, link) е отвърнал подобаващо в същия дух:
Очеркът му:
"I didn't really take too many pictures during our first show back. Judy was on the scene. I knew it would be well documented. But I took a few during rehearsal. We spent a few weeks woodshedding in our basement. We looked at songs we recorded and we relearned them. It was usually easy, but sometimes we found nuance that we had either been neglecting, or had, over the years, developed new habits. Depending on what was working, we kept it, or went back to the original idea. During the process of rediscovering our own music, we rediscovered ourselves. Our collective selves. The unit that makes the storm. It was invigorating. By the time full production rehearsals came around, we were a machine. Not necessarily well oiled, but the energy and intent felt just right. Like it hadn't in over a decade. So Friday night in Nashville was a special one for us. A rebirth. It wasn't perfect, it wasn't everything we had planned for, but it felt just right. I can't wait until you all hear new music. I especially can't wait until you hear us play again. There is no feeling like playing your songs, improvising, and letting loose in front of all of your likeminded friends. It's living, breathing Rock 'n' Roll, and if you can't tell, I'm looking forward to play it all over the world... So here's a picture I like that I got from production rehearsal. See you all soon."
Не ми дава сърце да се изцепя, но ми е на езика: мумията се завръща. 
Предстои на 3 септ.' 2021 нов албум на Iron Maiden; 
излязъл е на 15 юли първият сингъл, видео:

Кой кого! Мейдън имат една-единствена награда Грами, да, 2011-та г. 
И още 3 номинации, едната от които (2013, засега последната) ...
едната от които бе пометена от Halestorm.

Та Lzzy бе номинирана и през 2019 (като бе и една от водещите церемонията),
ала отстъпи на Chris Cornell (той почина през 2017).